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Markets We Support

Our customers live in different worlds! See the range of markets and industries we supply to below:


The World of Horticulture

We supply: Ribbons and bows for fresh flowers found in supermarkets, florists and online platforms. Plus, material items to enhance containers and packaging for house plants and plant gifts; directly to the Growers and Retail garden centres.

Fashion Houses &
High Street Stores

We supply: Ribbons and bows, Printed Ribbons, Fabric Bags and ribbon Bag Handles.


We supply: Printed & plain gift ribbons, Jewellery Pouches and box lining materials.

Rosettes & Sashes

We supply: Rosette ribbons to Rosette makers so they can create beautiful rosettes, sashes and banners.

Hampers & Corporate
Gift Packages

We supply: Wide Printed Materials, Pull bows and Printed Ribbons for the wrapping and gifting of hampers. We also support packing companies with our products when developing packaging solutions for their clients.

Food Industries

We supply: Ribbons and bows, fabric bags and pouches, gift tags and bag handles. Working with high street brands, department stores, supermarkets, wholesalers, small delis, and makers of chocolate, jams, chutney, cakes and sweets.

Wash Care
Labelling Materials

We supply: Care labelling materials for some of the largest Global brands, delivering to their designated print houses across the world. This gives brands piece of mind that all their garments and products will have consistent good quality labels that will protect their brand image.

Alcohol & Soft Drinks

We supply: Bottle Tear Strips for bottle necks, pre tied bows, ribbons, elastics, tassels and printed gift tags.

Cosmetics, Toiletries,
Fragrance & Beauty

We supply: Ribbons and Bows, Fabric Bags and Pouches, Gift Tags and Bag Handles.

Printing Industry

We supply: Head and Tail Bands which help to decorate hard copy book spines, woven edge ribbons for book marks, Elastics and Tassels to go with the printing of menus and bespoke stationary for restaurants, hotels and events.

Funeral Care

We supply: Broad Sheet Materials to line coffins, as well as Tassels and Ribbons for the printed 'Order of Services'.

Independent Outlets

Our products find themselves in all sorts of places! Dance shops, Trophy and Medal shops, Stationers, Artisan Chocolate and Sweet shops, Haberdasheries, Crafting shops, Upholstery shops, Royal & Stately Home gift shops, Florists, Bakeries, Christmas shops, Jewellers & Spas – to name but a few.